We're sorry

Auto Text Expander was disabled for approximately 4 hours from April 8th 12:00AM PST to 4:00AM PST and Google incorrectly flagged as having malware; it does not.

The questions top of mind for many for you (and for us) is Why and How?

Why did this happen and how could a company as big and robust as Google make such a big mistake? One of our company values is Radical Candor, and I will seek to always be honest with you.

Over the last 24 hrs, we were notified by Google that we have a similar name to another Chrome store app and pursuant to policies, our app was disabled. Note that we have been operating under this name for the last 9 years. You may have been notified that Auto Text Expander contains malware. This is incredibly frustrating because it does not. The malware flag has since been removed by Google.

Email from Google:


To remediate this, we are now working on changing the name of our app to Magical (news on this will follow shortly).

We take trust and safety seriously. You can read about our privacy policy here. Beyond that, we bind ourselves to stringent terms of service to ensure the confidentiality of our users and their data.

I put myself into your shoes, our loyal users, and I can't help but feel utter disappointment. What's happened here is unacceptable and I am incredibly sorry that you had to question the trust and safety of our app.

Please feel free to reach out to me directly if you have any questions, concerns, and/or feedback.

Harpaul https://twitter.com/hsambhi [email protected]